NBL Staff in Action:

What's Happening in NBL:

Love Data Week

Love Data Week is an international event that takes place every year during the week of Valentine’s Day. Institutions around the world host data-related events, and Rutgers Libraries in New Brunswick have a variety of workshops planned that cover coding, GIS, and data management. Check out the schedule on our NBL workshop calendar at https://libcal.rutgers.edu/nblworkshops

The theme of #LoveData23 is Data: Agent of Change. In the hope of inspiring you to use data for positive change, I’ve put together a list of sources of datasets that have been collected on social justice issues and marginalized groups. The list is not comprehensive but I hope it may be useful in thinking about data for change. Please see the list at Speaking of STEM.

image credit

Research Services Unit formed in New Brunswick Libraries

The New Brunswick Libraries (NBL) Research Services Unit has been formed to enhance research services, broadly defined as those activities of NBL that support the research endeavor of Rutgers University-New Brunswick (RU-NB). Research Services will work to foster the NBL strategic plan goal to Strengthen Faculty and Graduate Student Research and Teaching and the research-related goals of the New Brunswick Academic Master Plan. NBL Research Services will collaborate with Rutgers University Libraries, with other Rutgers groups, and with external partners and professional organizations (such as BTAA or ALA) to strengthen the delivery of research services across the University.

One of the primary goals of the new unit is to enhance communication and collaboration among the overlapping groups of librarians with interests in research services, in order to be more nimble and responsive to changing conditions. NBL librarians have been collaborating effectively, but this unit provides a structure to further encourage and advocate for research needs.

Faculty, staff, and students engaged in research can look to NBL Research Services for assistance in the following areas (lead personnel given in parentheses):

  • Copyright Education (Janice Pilch)
  • Digital Humanities (Francesca Giannetti)
  • GIS (Susan Oldenburg)
  • Graduate and Faculty Services (Kayo Denda and Triveni Kuchi)
  • HathiTrust (Tom Glynn)
  • Intensive Literaure Review Assistant Program (serving SCI) (Triveni Kuchi and Tao Yang)
  • Open Access and Scholarly Communication (Laura Mullen)
  • Research Data Management (Laura Palumbo)
  • Research Metrics and Impact (Mei Ling Lo)
  • Statistical Data (Ryan Womack)
  • Systematic Reviews (Julia Maxwell)

For further details on these services and contact information, see https://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/new-brunswick/about-us/research-services-new-brunswick-libraries

The work of existing teams and initiatives such as the NBL Research Data Services Team and the Graduate Specialist Program is also part of the Research Services Unit. The Head of the Research Services Unit will provide coordination and leadership to the entire group. Ryan Womack is serving as the initial Head for a three-year term through June 2025.

Upcoming posts will describe these services in more detail, along with other initiatives. Stay tuned!

Instruction and Undergraduate Services Team

Leslin Charles, Undergraduate Instruction and Services Team, co-leader
Lily Todorinova
Lily Todorinova, Undergraduate Instruction and Services Team co-leader

The Instruction and Undergraduate Services Team’s overall goal is to develop and communicate a cohesive and sustainable process for foundational information literacy instruction and undergraduate services, in support of undergraduate instruction programs in Rutgers New Brunswick.

The teams plans to undertake the following activities:

  • Develop a team approach to coordinating foundational undergraduate instruction and define “coordinating”
  • Investigate a more intuitive process for scheduling foundational undergraduate instruction
  • Recommend a scaffolded approach to information literacy that includes undergraduate curriculum mapping to courses/populations/programs
  • Norm workflows and practices in our systems (how to sign up, how to record, how and what we assess)
  • Design and lead annual information literacy summits
  • Develop and recommend instruction and outreach activities along an impact spectrum, working with NBL assessment stakeholders in developing metrics/templates/activities 
  • Related to the Libraries COVID19 Response, develop a contingency plan for online only EWP instruction in support of general undergraduate instruction programs 

The Instruction and Undergraduate Services Team Leaders are Leslin Charles and Lily Todorinova. The current members are Becky Diamond, Sherri Farber, Christie Lutz, Tom Glynn, Laura Palumbo, and Meredith Parker.

Landscape Architecture Students Re-design the Rutgers Art Library by Alexis Vitello, Art Library Intern- Fall 2019

A group of people in a room
Description automatically generated
Photo taken by Megan Lotts

The Spring 2019 semester saw a new group of Architecture and Design students walk into the Art Library on the Voorhees Mall and leave with a new prespective about the design and function of the library. The students were enrolled in Social and Cultural Aspects of Design, led by Dean of Academic Programs Laura Lawson and Associate Professor Holly Nelson, within the Department of Landscape Architecture. The culmulative project, drawing on all they learned throghout the semester, was to create a Social Study Post Occupany Evaluation report. The reports included in-depth observations about the physical design of the library as well as how the patrons utilized the space. The students were then asked to create a proposal for design changes they believed would better serve the library users.

The Assessment

Creator: Jingyi Wu

            In order to create a design proposal, the students needed to first observe how patrons utilized the current space. They were able to visualize their observations in countless ways, from diagrams to photographs. Jingyu Wu chose to use a combination of a floor plan, shading and handwritten notes to demonstrate how the mezzanine floor was being used as well as present observations about the layout. Besides the physical space the students were required to visit the library on multiple occasions and focus on the people and their activities. Notes included the weather, time the observer spent in the space, and movement and actions of the other patrons. Many of the observations showed that the library is less populated on rainy days. The library also proved to be a popular destination for people needing to print papers before class.

The Art Library is the closest library to the train station and sits in the middle of the university’s bus line.  Its location makes it a convenient stop for commuters before or after class. However, it is noted by many that parking is an issue for the area. The parking lots are reserved for staff and faculty or local businesses. Visitors and students must find parking in metered spots or in parking garages, which can prove difficult during peak times.

Creators: Zhaoxuan Wang & Yat Chan

After gaining an overall feel for the building and the area, the students then focused on specified aspects of the building that affect the patrons’ experience. The most noted sections of the library were lighting, noise levels, and seating. Their observations were also presented in their papers as visual diagrams, as seen in the diagrams created by Zhoaxuan Wang and Yat Chan.

Creator: Brigitte Schackerman

Lighting:  The Art Library’s architecural joy is the large arched window that takes up most of the lower floor’s one wall. The library is unique in the area because of the available natural light. The open layout of the building’s floors allow for natural light to reach most parts of the building.  As seen in the diagram created by Brigitte Schackerman, the areas near the larger windows are the most popular spots for patrons to sit. The seats near the windows are often the first ones occupied by studying students. Not only does it provide wonderful lighting on sunny days, it also gives the patron a view of the outside. There are pockets of darker lighting where the windows do not reach and the library must rely on artificial lighting, however these areas can be considerably dimmer. The weather and time of day also play an inportant role in the overall lighting of the space, which unfortuantely can not be controlled by the library.

Creator: Anita Kotowska  

Noise: Libraries are no longer the “quiet zones” of the past and the Art library was designed to create an open flow and areas of interaction.  Unfortunately, as it was witnessed in the observations this floor plan is not conducive to a silent study place. Footsteps echo on the hard floors and noise travels from one floor to the next. Quiet studies carrels are tucked into the corners of the library, including behind the moving stacks. Many students are seen with their headphones in if they are spending a considerable amount of time at the library.

Seating: The seating arrangements throughout the library were the most disagreed upon element. Some students found that the large tables allowed for students to spread their things out when they needed, while other found that the tables created wasted space when students staggered their seating with chairs in between. The upstairs couch setup was either applauded by some as a separated place for group work, a place for a quick nap or a comfy place to sit, or it was criticized for its lack of table space and remote location. One of the features that the students did agree on, likely spurred by interview answers from staff, is the lack of updated functionality of the current seating. The tables are large and bulky, making them difficult to rearrange, and the desk chairs are hard and not ergonomically designed. Mobile furniture will make rearranging more accessible. Students can create larger or smaller grouping of seats to suit their needs and staff can create space for events when needed.

The Proposals

Creator: Tiffany Nguyen

 Combining the information gained from their observations, interviews with librarians at the library, and a creative thought exercise that resulted in a variety of spider diagrams depicted what the students perceived at the key components of an art library (see image below), the students created their own design changes for Art Library.

Layout and technology were the primary concerns addressed in the proposals. Updating the types of chairs was the easiest fix, making them cushioned and more mobile. The area most heavily populated with carrels are further away from the window, which gives a quieter surrounding, it also means it is darker. Increased lighting is a suggestion with the note that the lighting should not be harsh fluorescent.

Several students suggested bringing in plants to connect the outside with the inside and utilize the natural light. They have acknowledged that plants may cause an upkeep issue and one student even suggested bringing in artificial plants instead. The plants would also serve a dual purpose of sound absorption. Continuing with the nature theme, it was proposed that the alley between the Art Library and the Zimmerli Art Museum be converted into a patio area with attractive seating. It will create a continuation of the Voorhees mall while creating a connection between the library and museum.

 Building off the library’s collection, designs created greater art integration opportunities. Increased art object space can promote student and faculty artists while raising art awareness for the majority of the library’s users who are often not from an arts background. It also creates a more attractive space.


Creator: Amanda Leifer

To place their ideas in the larger implication of space design, the students also needed to include sections about how their plans would fit into the library’s current financial and administrative situation. They needed to consider the stakeholders, potential limitations they may face and feasibility. Fictional patrons were created to theorize potential problems and benefits the current library design has and from them create solutions.  They also created a questionnaire and developed a strategy to gain responses. The questionnaire would be used in a real-life situation, if the proposal was chosen by the library to go forward and collect more direct information from the library patrons and staff.

This project allows the students to translate their class curriculum into a tangible product that uses a real place as inspiration. Their reports have demonstrated that there are places within and surrounding the Art Library that can be improved to make it more user friendly and appealing. However, the Art Library has also proven itself to be a place of respite for commuter students and faculty alike. 

Rutgers Art Library Fall 2019 Zine

What is a zine?  Wikipedia defines a zine as a small circulation of self-published original work or appropriated text and images, usually reproduced by a photocopier.  In the case of the Rutgers University Art Library, a zine has been used to grab patron’s attention to market collections and services.

In the Fall of 2019, I created the Art Library Zine as a limited run of 300 pocket flyers to educate Art(s) students about the Rutgers University Art Library.  This zine was created using power-point software and printed in black and white on an 8.5 by 11 sheet of white paper.  All 300 zines circulated in roughly 7 weeks and were distributed via my lobby office hours, a stack left in the Art Library, as well as given to students as an instruction take-away.

The Art Library Zine was discussed during a visual literacy workshop with Aresty students, and unexpectedly inspired a rich conversation among students from Mason Gross Art & Design “Artist’s book course”, who were assigned to make a zine using this fold. To learn more about the fold used for this project and how to make a zine out of a sheet of printer paper please view the following video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixqr9e3wCxI.

Assessment was captured in a variety of ways including number counts, video and still images, and comments received and over-heard. A few comments included “this is so cool, what a fantastic idea”, “I liked this brochure because it uses images and not a lot of text I won’t read”, and “this is a great guide, that fits in my wallet or a pocket in my backpack.” 

In conclusion, the Art Library Zine is an affordable, unique, and fun way to educate Rutgers students, faculty, and staff about the Art Library, as well as inform individuals about the Sinclair Popular Culture collections found in Special Collections & University Archives. 

If you have questions about this project please contact Megan Lotts, Art Librarian at megan.lotts@rutgers.edu.


Judit H. Ward, SEBS Team Leader

The SEBS Team was formed in the spring of 2017 in response to emerging needs at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) on the Cook campus. In the absence of a dedicated subject specialist for each discipline taught and researched at SEBS, a group of librarians took the challenge to experiment with a holistic approach to meet evolving library and information needs at SEBS. Benefiting from the support of SEBS administration, departments, faculty, and staff, the team managed to forge relationships on the Cook Campus quickly.

The team provides reference via the newly minted science group email, sciencereference@libraries.rutgers.edu and pop-up reference. Library instruction includes partnering with the SEBS Office of Academic Programs and research support for graduate students on topics such as citation management and systematic reviews. Along with the SEBS Office of International Programs, the team hosts orientations for international students. In addition to fulfilling collection requests, the SEBS team has also established demand-driven acquisition in the sciences as an experiment.

The SEBS team has been working with student groups on redefining the library as a space and making the Chang Science Library more welcoming and responsive to students’ current needs. This includes physical changes, such as moving bound periodicals to storage, as well as engaging students in various ways, such as offering Drop-in resume reviews by Career Services and an Open Mic night.

In the future the team is planning to continue to integrate NBL services into the SEBS curriculum and engage with library users on the Cook Campus.

The SEBS team leader is Judit H. Ward. The current members members are Rebecca Gardner, Karen Hartman, Mei Ling Lo, Megan Lotts, Laura Bowering Mullen, Laura Palumbo, Ryan Womack, and Connie Wu.

Undergraduate Experience Team

Lily Todorinova, Undergraduate Experience Team Leader

The Undergraduate Experience Team’s overall goal is to enhance library support for a diverse group of undergraduate students in Rutgers-New Brunswick.  This includes collaborating with colleagues from the Libraries and university partners and creating meaningful experiences that impact students in and outside of the classroom. We focus primarily on first year and transfer students, but hope to expand and target our reach in the next few years to undergraduate researchers, STEM students, underrepresented minority students, and first generation students. The team provides planning, creativity, and leadership in support of student engagement. Our work is guided by ACRL Standards. The Team is regrouping with new membership and focus over the summer.

Plans for this coming year include the creation of an undergraduate student advisory/ambassador program. A diverse group of students will be selected to participate in meetings with Team members and other stakeholders in the Libraries. We hope to engage these participants in two ways: 1) soliciting real-time feedback for ways to improve their experiences with the Libraries, as well as 2) educating them about the work of the Libraries and the value we can bring to their university experience.

The Undergraduate Experience Team Leader is Lily Todorinova. The current members are Leslin Charles and Laura Palumbo. We are interested in adding one more additional member. Please reach out to Lily if you are interested!

Research Data Services Team

Laura Palumbo, Research Data Services Team Leader

The Research Data Services Team provides services for the Rutgers New Brunswick research community on the organization, management, sharing, and preservation of research data, at all phases of the research data life cycle. We do this through outreach events, individual consultations, and workshops on such topics as data management planning; best practices for organizing, storing, and sharing data; and the use of software and tools for data analysis, visualization, and sharing. Information about data workshops and other data management resources are available on the New Brunswick Libraries Research Data Management Services website.

Plans for the coming year include presentations by data repositories for sharing and preserving research data, an environmental scan of data services being offered at other research institutions, developing GIS services, and creating workshops and presentations that are customized to the research practices of different disciplines, through collaboration with interested liaisons. If you are a liaison who would like to learn more about data management, please consider joining our team.

 The Research Data Services Team leader is Laura Palumbo. The current members are Francesca Giannetti and Ryan Womack.

Content Team

Jim Niessen, Content Team Leader

The Content Team is concerned with information resources in New Brunswick.  We will focus on three main areas: collections, selector fund allocations, and outreach to selectors.

  1. Collections: We will maintain inventories of weeding projects and gift cataloging needs within New Brunswick and identify local priorities for efforts in these areas in order to optimize the deployment of available library personnel, collections, and study spaces.
  2. Selector Funds: As a subset of the Content Team, its chair and disciplinary group coordinators will allocate selector funds each year for the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
  3. Outreach to Selectors: Team members who serve on the Collection Analysis Group will ensure information sharing between these two groups.  We will also organize forums on collections topics and training sessions for collection development and management procedures and tools.

Jim Niessen is the Team Leader of the Content Team.  The current members are Kayo Denda, Rebecca Gardner, Tom Glynn, Rob Krack, Barry Lipinski, Laura Palumbo, and Jon Sauceda.

Scholarly Communication Team

Laura Bowering Mullen, Scholarly Communication Team Leader

The Scholarly Communication Team is focused on current issues such as open access, open data, and open educational resources. As the team’s agenda develops, we will bring to the New Brunswick Libraries and its wider community a strong focus on current issues in scholarly publishing, copyright, metrics, open science and other strategic areas. We anticipate putting a priority on engaging widely with Rutgers-New Brunswick faculty, staff, and students as well as other stakeholder groups.

The team’s first order of business will be to develop the “Scholarly Communication Road Show,” which is made up of a menu of relevant topics to be presented by team members to various New Brunswick faculty and student groups. The Roadshow will include presentations on copyright, metrics, open educational resources, open access, research data, and more. The team also will plan an event for Open Access Week 2019. We will move the scholarly communication conversation forward in NBL and within the larger Rutgers-New Brunswick community.

Laura Bowering Mullen is the Team Leader of the Scholarly Communication Team. The current members of the Scholarly Communication Team are Janet Brennan Croft, Mei Ling Lo, Laura Palumbo, Lily Todorinova, and Ryan Womack.

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